Sunday, September 19, 2021

Python built-in Function Enumerate

Using a built-in function Enumerate in Python to access an element's INDEX and VALUE.

Create a list with integers

    In [1]: numbers = [10,5,3,7,4]

    In [2]: type(numbers)
    Out[2]: list

    In [3]:

Apply built-in function Enumerate to numbers

    In [3]: new_numbers = enumerate(numbers)

    In [4]: new_numbers
    Out[4]: <enumerate at 0x233d866db80>

Convert it to list format|

    In [6]: list(new_numbers)
    Out[6]: [(0, 10), (1, 5), (2, 3), (3, 7), (4, 4)]

    In [7]:

Going to create a simple bar chart using the value in numbers

    In [1]: numbers = [10,5,3,7,4]

    In [2]: for index, value in enumerate(numbers):

       ...:     print(f'{index:>8}{value:>8}  {"|" * value}')

        0      10  ||||||||||
        1       5  |||||
        2       3  |||
        3       7  |||||||
        4       4  ||||

      In [3]:

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